This page contains frequently asked questions about Horse Reality, grouped in categories.
The automatic tasks and when they are executed can be found on the following page of the HR Wiki here.
If you can’t log in for a while, you don’t have to worry about a thing! Your horse's caretaking goes down if you've been online in the last 24 hours. Meaning that as long as you don’t log in, the caretaking of your horses won’t go down! However, your horses will keep ageing even when you don’t log in. There is no way to stop this, so make sure you keep track of the old ones if you can’t log in for a while!
At this moment, the game is made to fit computer browsers. It is not modified to fit into the browsers of mobile phones just yet. However, since a big part of our community started using mobile phones more over the years Horse Reality started improving its design for mobile phones. Horse Reality is continuously making improvements to the game layout to serve its mobile players better.
Images need to be uploaded on either Imgur or Giphy (GIF files only) first in order to work on Horse Reality. Imgur is used the most since Giphy requires you to create an account and can only be used for GIFs. Other methods will not work.
Once the image is fully done uploading, right-click on the image and select “copy image address”. Do not use imgurs “copy image" option, as this won't give you the right link format you need! Now, return to Horse Reality and go back to edit your profile or forum post. Click the fourth icon from the left, above the box you type in. This will open the image editor. Paste the link you copied earlier in the “source” part of the menu. If the link is correct, it should end in a file format such as .png or .jpg and the image proportions appear in the boxes at the bottom of the menu. Once you hit the "Save" button, the image should show up in your post.
A premium account gives you perks such as a care-for-all horses button, a select-all button at the Veterinary and Laboratory, profile themes, a GIF avatar, a footnote in the forum, no advertisements, and extra search options on the market. You can buy a premium account from the Delta Store under “General” on the left-hand navigation.
Please report any evidence/information you have via our contact form.
You can find the reachable milestones on this page. Many of them are tied to specific events e.g. the April Fool's event 2020 or your Horse Reality anniversaries.
Sadly, no, it is not possible. The only way to see deceased horses is to find them through pedigrees or saving their links in some place, eg. on a profile or in settings in the notes area.
All horse breeds are gradually being transferred to a new art system. This system allows us to introduce more coat variations, new genes or alleles, and additional features more easily. Breeds that use this system have parentless foundation horses - instead, their genes and colours all have a set chance of appearing on a foundation horse. They are available across all continents equally. Only the genes relevant to the breed can be tested and are listed on the genetics page of their horse profile. A horse's image no longer consists of several layers but is rather one merged image.
Breeds that use the new system also have new features available, including the COI and displaying what the horse looked like as a foal on the genetics tab.
New system breeds:
Horse needs care |
![]() |
Mare has received a hormone injection and can be inseminated by the vet |
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Mare is pregnant |
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Horse is ready to be trained |
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Horse is up for sale |
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Horse is up for private trade |
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Stallion is up for stud |
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Keywords: exclamation mark, tear, water drop, clock, dumbbell
A horse regains +20% energy every hour if properly taken care of. If they have not been properly cared for, they will not regain energy.
That differs for each person and according to the focus of the player. There are various aspects you can focus on in this game, and this focus determines your preference. Therefore, the term "good" is very subjective.
In short: a “good” horse is exactly what you think is good. Your preference plays a large role, and your focus does as well. With stats, it’s easier: the higher the GP and conformation, the better the horse. But this is a bit more difficult with colour.
Horses age automatically. 1 month in the game equals 32 hours in real life. You can also use 75 DP to age your horse by 6 months automatically, this does not affect pregnancies.
Horses die of old age between the age of 25 years and 30 years.
If a foal is born with the genetic disorder "Overo Lethal White Syndrome" caused by having two copies of the frame allele (OLW/OLW), it will be humanely euthanized right after its birth. You will receive a message when this happens.
Go to your horse’s page. You should see tabs underneath the picture of your horse. If you click “Update”, you should be able to change your horse’s name and tagline. You cannot change the estate name underneath a horse's tagline, this is a permanent aspect of your horse's name that shows where your horse was born.
If your horse is older than 3 years (adult) and has completed its basic training, you can pick a discipline in the "Training" tab of the horse's profile. Be careful, you can't change the discipline or pick a second one!
If you are over capacity, nothing will happen to your horses. The only penalty you get is that you will no longer be able to breed, buy or catch horses. To free up capacity, you can use the Retirement Home, Foal Pastures or sell horses on the Market.
Yes, it is possible. Visit the Veterinary to test your horses' fertility.
The interest rate depends on the amount of HRC you’ve got saved in your bank account.
Interest Rate | Min. Balance | Max. Balance |
1.50% | 0 HRC | 100 000 HRC |
1.00% | 100 001 HRC | 250 000 HRC |
0.80% | 250 001 HRC | 500 000 HRC |
0.50% | 500 001 HRC | 1 000 000 HRC |
0.30% | 1 000 001 HRC | 2 000 000 HRC |
0.15% | 2 000 001 HRC | 5 000 000 HRC |
0.10% | 5 000 001 HRC | 10 000 000 HRC |
0.03% | 10 000 001 HRC | 25 000 000 HRC |
0% | 25 000 001 HRC | ∞ HRC |
This is possible. You can use the Currency Exchange. You will find this on the left side of your screen, under the header ''General''.
This is not a bug, as the Currency Exchange works entirely based on what player orders have been placed. Please read all information on the wiki page or watch our youtube guide.
The code in the notifications is the order-id connected to your original order. Not all orders can be fulfilled right away. For example, you wanted to buy 50 DP, but you might have only received 20 DP. The system uses that order-id to keep track of that.
You can use the stud market if you want to exchange currencies with someone else without using the Currency Exchange. If you want to sell Delta points to player X, player X will sell you one of their mares. You cover that mare with a stallion from player X, which has been put up for stud for the amount of Delta Points you want to sell. This cover will transfer the Delta Points to player X. After covering the mare, you will put the mare on the market for player X for the amount or HRC you want for your Delta Points. Once player X buys the mare, you have your coins while they have the Delta points.
Please note: Trading like this is at your own risk. We advise you to only do such trades with players you absolutely trust and write up a "contract" that both players agree to beforehand. The Horse Reality team can under no circumstances give back horses or do reimbursements, however, cheaters will be punished.
Breeding requires a mare and stallion of the same breed. Both horses need to be at least 3 years old (grown-up) to be able to breed them. You also need to have free stables (capacity) to breed. To cover your mare, go to the mare’s profile. If she’s ready to be covered, you will see an icon and the text "breed this mare." Click this, and you will be redirected to a page where you can select one of your stallions. All your available stallions will appear in the list, so you can select the stallion you want to use.
After selecting the right stallion, click the "breed" button. This will complete the covering. After this, there will be 4 days during which your mare has a chance of a failed pregnancy or miscarriage. These 4 days are over when the text in the mare’s profile changes; from then on, the days will be counted down until your foal is born. During this period, you can be sure your mare will deliver a foal. After delivering the foal, your mare can be covered again. You can also use stallions put up for stud by other players to breed to your mare (see below).
Another way to breed is through artificial insemination, which requires the player to have semen vials in their freezer to breed to a mare that had a hormone injection at the veterinary. Once this is done, you can go to the veterinary and find the insemination section, where you can choose your mare from a drop-down list and click “Inseminate.” This will bring you to a similar page as normal breeding, except the stud drop-down only includes studs with semen straws you have in your possession. Once bred, your mare will have a normal pregnancy.
A mare can have a pregnancy fail due to 2 reasons. The first way happens on the 2nd day after covering. The chance of failure in this case is determined by stallion fertility. The better the stallion's fertility, the more likely the mare will be successfully impregnated. Likewise, a stallion with poor fertility will have a higher chance of a failed covering. Mare fertility does not impact failed coverings, although, like other genes, both parents’ fertility influences the offspring's fertility. If you have a mare that never gets pregnant, try a different stallion with better fertility. For more information on the specifics of stallion fertility visit this page.
The 2nd way a covering can fail is a 5% chance of miscarriage that happens on the 4th day after covering, regardless of either parent’s fertility or health. This differs from the previous pregnancy failure, as a horse was successfully impregnated but lost the foal due to a spontaneous miscarriage. After you have passed the fourth day, there is no longer any risk of a failed pregnancy.
No, ageing does not affect the mare’s pregnancy in any way. There is no way to speed up the duration of pregnancy.
Between 13.5 - 17 real-life days.
Studs can be found through the "search" option on the left side of the screen. When you get to this page, you will notice you can look for players and horses. To find a stud, you should select the breed first. If you want to find stallions that are up for stud for that breed, change the "stud" option to "yes." This will show you all the stallions of the selected breed that are up for stud. Pick the one you like, and open its profile. You will notice a bar above the horse’s picture which says, "this stallion is standing at stud." Click this bar, and you will be directed to a page where you can select the mare you want to cover. Pick the right mare, check whatever’s important to you, pick a payment type (if there are multiple) and proceed by breeding your mare.
No. Crossbreeding isn’t possible at Horse Reality, so you won’t be able to breed between different breeds.
At the moment, there are no consequences implemented for inbreeding. However, there will be in the future. These consequences are yet to be determined. Many players avoid inbreeding purposefully, so even though the game does not (yet!) punish inbreeding, you might find it much harder to sell your inbred horses on the market or at stud.
There is no risk implemented into the game yet. In the future, possibly one or both foals may die if you keep both embryos.
Hormone injections can be used to bring your mare in heat. Currently, she only needs to be in heat if you want to inseminate her with a semen vial artificially. Using hormone injections does not increase the chances of a mare getting pregnant.
Semen vials can be used for breeding horses. You can collect a semen vial of your stallions every other day at the veterinary. These will then be stored in your freezer, and you can use them to inseminate your mares after you’ve given them a hormone injection.
You can sell semen vials on the market. Click on the “Create a sale” button, go to the “Sell semen” tab and simply fill out the required information.
Semen vials have no expiration date, you can keep them for as long as you wish with no consequences.
Behind the words that are used to represent conformation stats (very good, good, ...), there is some math calculating the conformation of your horse. Each stat has a range of points associated with it, and this has resulted in the following labels:
Stat | Points |
Poor | < 40 |
Below average | 40 - 59 |
Average | 60 - 69 |
Good | 70 - 84 |
Very good | 85+ |
In order to breed horses with great conformation, it is important to know the basics of genetic inheritance. To learn more about science behind conformation stats visit Inheritance 101 page.
Your horse will receive a star predicate after it has earned the 1st premium (scored a minimum of 80 points) at least 3 times in conformation shows. The predicate will appear automatically.
There must be at least ten horses entered in a show, and your horse must have the highest score out of all the horses entered. The Day Champion is chosen out of all participants, and therefore not limited to the age/gender categories.
Yes. You have the chance to win one of the following prizes: 1000 HRC, 5 Wildlife Tickets, 5 Foundation Tickets, or 100 DP.
The requirements are different for stallions and mares, however, both must be at least three years old to earn the predicate.
Mares must have at least 8 offspring with star predicates or 1 approved stud in her offspring.
Stallions must have at least 20 offspring with star predicates or 3 approved studs in his offspring.
The approved stud predicate has not been implemented in the game at this moment, so you cannot earn the proven predicate this way yet.
Note: You must enter the horse in question in a conformation show after they meet one of the requirements from above for the predicate to be displayed on their page.
Clinical Approved is a predicate that can be earned by stallions when they are at least 7 years old. In order to receive the predicate, the horse needs to have a score of 75 or higher in each of his health stats, and for his semen quality. These stats do not change over time, and therefore, the clinical check can only be performed once.
The conformation is determined by scores behind the statistics. When horse X has 2 "very good" and 10 "good" for his conformation, that doesn’t automatically mean he will score higher compared to horse Y, who has 12 "good" scores in her list.
Remember that each statistic is a range of numbers. If horse X has low scores behind his "very good" and "good" scores, horse Y can outdo him in a show if she has high scores behind all of her "good" traits. "Good" can range from 70 to 84 points, whereas "very good" is 85+ points. This means that a high "good" can be very close to a low "very good." With this in mind, it is possible that horse X’s conformation stats as a whole can turn out to be much lower than horse Y’s, which will cause horse Y to perform much better in a show.
A halter is an accessory that gives a horse a +3 point boost in a conformation show. Players usually equip a halter to increase the chance of good results.
In order to increase the scores in a competition, it is important that your horse is well trained and well cared for. People never like to see a dirty horse in the ring, after all. You can also increase their scores by equipping tack, and by making sure your horse is competing in the competition where it will excel according to its conformation and genetic potential.
Note: competitions are not to be confused with the conformation show.
After the auction has come to an end, it takes a couple of minutes for the game to process your purchase. Once the auction has been processed internally, the horse will be moved to your estate automatically. So, don’t worry when the horse doesn’t appear right away. It will arrive shortly!
If you go to your horse's page and click the “Update” tab, you should see an option to add the horse to the market. Add your start offer, which is the minimal amount of HRC you want for the horse, and an optional buyout. If you leave the buyout option on 0, then the horse will only be up for bidding and cannot be bought out before the auction ends. You can also leave the auction option on 0 and only offer the horse for a set buyout price.
You can cancel a trade when you go to the horse market -> my trades. Here you will see a list of the horses you’ve got for sale. On the right of each horse, there’s a button with "cancel this trade." Just click it, and your horse will be removed from the market.
Go to your horse’s page and click the “Summary” tab. From there you should see “Sell Horse”. If you click that button, you should be redirected to a page where you can set up a trade. Make sure to type the right name - you wouldn't want to lose your horse to a typo. Also, don't forget to fill out the buyout option.
When a pregnant mare is sold to another player, the foal will be born at the estate of the new owner of the mare. This player will be considered both the breeder and the owner of the foal.
Yes, you can, but if you want to keep the mare you must wait until the foal reaches 6 months of age before you can sell it. If you sell the mare before the foal reaches 6 months of age, the foal will also be sold to the user who buys the mare.
The tack and background will stay equipped to the horse, and go to the new owner
Once a pregnant mare is sent to the retirement home, the pregnancy will be aborted.
The foal will remain in the retirement home until it hits 6 months of age, and then it will move back to the player’s estate, as long as the foal was born before the mare was retired.
The foal will continue to age and stays next to its mother until they are 6 months old. Then, they will move to the retirement home. The mother of the foal won’t be retired.
Tack and background are returned to your inventory and can be used on other horses.
After you hit level 15, you can obtain Wildlife Tickets (called WT for short) each time you level up. There is also a possibility of winning them by becoming Day Champion in a conformation show, or you can set your stallions up for stud for WT so people can pay for the cover using Wildlife Tickets. You can also buy them at the Currency Exchange.