The Foal Calendar is a feature on Horse Reality only available for players with a premium account. It provides an overview of all bred mares, with useful information such as the due date, sire, covering time, and ultrasound results. The foal calendar can be found under “Personal” in the left menu of the Horse Reality website.
The overview shows all your pregnant and covered mares with the date and time of a covering. For pregnant mares, the due date and sex of the foal (in case an ultrasound has been performed) are listed as well.
The covered mares are mares that have just been bred by a stallion and their pregnancies are not yet confirmed. This means mares that were covered within 4 last days. Those first 4 days are very vulnerable because a covering can fail or a mare can miscarry. On the 5th day, if neither happens, a pregnancy is deemed viable and guarantees that a foal is born. As such, mares change their status from covered to pregnant.
The vet can then perform an ultrasound on pregnant mares, which will reveal the sex of the foal. The Foal Calendar has a button that will bring you straight to the Veterinary. Once ultrasounds have been done, you will also be able to see the sex ratio of the foals you are expecting on the top right of the screen. Covered mares and pregnant mares for which no ultrasound has been performed, will be counted under the “?” symbol. The menu also shows how many mares are foaling on that day. The filter function on the top right of the screen allows you to sort and filter your mares in different ways: time of foaling, breed, and mares' ages or names.
Both the Foal Calendar and horse pages have unified pregnancy labels, text information about the due date in the foal calendar is the same as on a mare's page. All possible labels are listed below.
The “giving birth” label appears when a mare reaches her labour time and lasts until the giving birth cron makes the foal appear and sends out the congratulatory notification to the player. Since the cron runs every 30 minutes the time this label is visible depends strictly on the covering time. Mares covered at xx:59 have that label for only a minute whereas mares covered at xx:31 have it for 29 minutes. Please note that both the Calendar and the breeding system trace the time at which a mare goes into labour and not the time her foal is born. This information means that mares that go into labour after 23:30 (HR time) will be marked as giving birth that day but will actually give birth at midnight and effectively give birth on the following day instead. However, the foal's birthday will be the day the mare went into labour (before midnight).